Things here in Texas are as busy as ever with work and taking care of Aidan and the girls. We are anxiously awaiting Brian's return - which looks as if it will be in just a few short days!! Brian is scheduled to arrive on Long Knife Main Body Flight 11, which is tenatively scheduled to arrive here at Ft. Hood at noon on June 2nd. You can watch the redeployment ceremony live via the link below!!
(click on watch the welcome home ceremonies LIVE!)
Here is a link to the flights/ceremony times:
In other news, we recently had a great visit with Babci Kasarjian. I had several days off from work due to the Memorial day holiday, so we were able to spend some time together, do some shopping, and start getting the house ready for Brian's return. Babci also was a great support to me, keeping Aidan at home several mornings instead of going to daycare as he was not feeling so well. He endured his two month shots last week, and is still battling a cold - which eventually prompted his first ear infection :( He is on the mend though, despite passing his cold/cough along to my mom. I have included a few newer pictures of him below, and I am going to try to post a video so that you can see the changes I get to experience every day. Aidan has passed his colicky phase and is really starting to explore the world around him and is smiling, cooing, and beginning to giggle. I can't wait to share all of this with Brian. I'll post pictures of the Homecoming Ceremony mid-week!!