Its been a long time since I've typed up something, so here we go. About 23 days from now, we'll be waiting on Aidan to grace us with his presence. It seems like it went by so fast for me, but I'm guessing its seemed alot longer for Kate. I'm basically keeping my nose to the grindstone here, trying to stay out of trouble and have so far managed to not anger any of my 3 bosses at all. (Why is it, we all always seem to have 3 or more bosses?) I have included a couple of photos of my living space (very cramped section of tent as you will see) and our little chritsmas tree here in the office. I HAVE NOT INCLUDED ANY PHOTOS of me, sorry folks, but I've dropped close to 25 pounds[NOT BY CHOICE] (Down to 170 from 195), and I'm in absolutely no mood to have a picture of skinny old me to haunt me for years to come. So you'll have to wait until I can get home and eat for 3 days straight, and by the time Aidan shows up I should be bulked up enough.
There are plans in the works for at least the round robin with Aidan this summer in New York and Mass, maybe even Vermont. If we miss Vermont, not to worry, I'll be running the Burlington Marathon, May 2010 (they wouldnt let me out early to run it this year). I recently received a letter from Aunt Jeanie with Photos of Olivia and Gracie, they are both looking good! I expect a photo of Tori's little man, so some break out the camera and help me (although i'm sure there are photos in abundance).
I've also gotten tons of packages from everybody and they've been great (I'd be about 160pounds without them). I'm working my way through some letters of thanks to everyone, so bear with me. THe 16-18 hour days kinda make ya wanna crash as soon as you can, so there isnt much spare time outside of work and sleep. The work is neverending and demanding. But its not too bad all in all.
Katie and I are going to be trying to plan out our next 3 years which will either see both of us in advanced civil schooling (Katie=Med School/ Me= Law School) It all depends on a few of the programs the army has to offer and if either of us get accepted. Otherwise we'll be testing the civilian waters come 2011. Alright, i'm out here, but I'll be talking to alot of you soon when i get home.